
Thematic Table 3: Improbable Dialogues: mobilities and disputes over knowledges

12th March, 10-13h and 14-17h


Open a trilingual space (Spanish, English and Portugues) to dialogue with and reflect on the mobility of geographical knowledges in the context of sociospatial and socioterritorial movements. We aim to connect the global north and south to explore the flow and exchange of knowledges, considering how power relations are materialized in authorship, translations and the circulation of ideas and words. At the same time, the panel aims to explore south-south movements and share situated knowledges and migratory experiences, from displacement to exile.
The panel proposes an epistemological dialogue that echoes the opaque relations that exist between different latitudes - near and far - that provide a framework for alliances, solidarities and disputes. Thinking through these improbable dialogues opens up paths for understanding (neo)colonial relations and resistances that are inscribed in bodies, territories and words.

The second session Feeling-thinking translation: geopolitics of knowledge and south-north dialogues, will explore debates around the un-translatability of knowledge that may be theoretically, politically and/or ethically problematic to dislocate from its place of origin.
How can knowledge travel across epistemological and linguistic barriers?
What are the ethics and politics of translation when working with and alongside social movements?

Bloc A: Afrodescendent Geographies and dialogues with Africas

Chair: Ana Laura Zavala Guillén


  • Maguemati Wabgou, ColombiaMaguemati Wabgou, Colombia
  • Norberto Pablo Cirio, Argentina
  • Denilson Araujo de Oliveira, Brasil
  • Jesús Chucho García San José de Barlovento, Venezuela

Bloc B: Feeling-thinking translation: geopolitics of knowledge and north-south dialogues

Chair: Mara Duer


  • Sara Koopman - Kent State University, USA
  • Sofia Zaragocin - FLACSO, Ecuador
  • Senda Sferco, Ana Paula Penchaszadeh -CONICET/UBA, Argentina
  • Melisa Yaleva, miembra de Identidad Marrón

Read the full program in spanish